Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The owner of the best gym in the USA gives advice

I was listening to the fitcast podcast when I was in the gym today.  This is a great source of fitness advice for anyone interested in personal health and fitness.  The podcast featured an interview with Mike Boyle, who runs what Men's Health magazine has rated the best gym in America.  I found that a lot of the common sense that Mike Boyle talked about the fitness industry could be directly related to education.  Here are four key points that really struck a chord with me:

Some of the 'new' approaches in health and fitness are simply what was being done 30 years ago.
Often when I hear about a new fad or approach to teaching an experienced teacher will tell me that the same thing was being done years ago, only then it had a different name.

Too often we are making simple things seem a lot more difficult than they actually are.
See my post from the 23rd of September in which I discuss how to get really good at something, as outlined by Professor Anders Ericsson.
Put yourself in environments that will help you to become successful.
As teachers we need to create the stimulating environment that gives our students the optimal chance of achieving success.

The more great trainers that are developed, the more people will benefit from and become healthy and fit.
The more great teachers that we have, the more successful members of society we will teach and inspire to contribute to making the world a better place.

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